NATO Summit Vilnius


The next NATO summit will be held for the first time in Lithuania on 11-12 July 2023. 

The meetings will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, and will take place at LITEXPO - Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre.

The Vilnius summit will focus on strengthening the Alliance’s collective defence and deterrence and on increasing support for Ukraine.



General Information

Event number: 51723
Date: 07 - 12/07/2023

News events contact

+41 22 717 28 40


Eurovision News Events will be distributing this event worldwide; the material will be accessible to all, free of charge and free of rights. Signals will be available LIVE via satellite over Europe, Asia and the Americas. Please see instructions below on how to access the signals. 

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We will also be in charge of the allocation and management of the TV & Radio booths as well as the unmanned and unequipped standup positions.

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We will also have fully equipped live standup positions connected to the Eurovision network. 

More information on facilities available on site in the NATO media advisory.


Feed A / Feed 1:

0800-0830 GMT / 1100 -1130 local – Secretary General Doorstep

0830-1000 GMT/ 1130-1300 local – Various arrivals and doorsteps

0942-1015 GMT/ 1245-1315 local – Short remarks by the NATO Sec-Gen and the President of the USA

1030-1055 GMT/ 1330-1355 local – Official greeting– (NATO Secretary General and the President of the Republic of Lithuania will individually greet each Head of State and Government)

Approx. 1055 GMT/ 1355 local – Family photo

1100-1120 GMT/ 1400-1420 local – Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government, with Sweden //

Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General and welcoming remarks by the President of the Republic of Lithuania

1230-1330 GMT/ 1530- 1630 local – Arrivals of Heads of Delegation from Partner Countries and Doorsteps

1430-1500 GMT/ 1730-1800 local – Press conference with the NATO Secretary General

1600-1900 GMT/ 1900-2200 local – Leaders’ Arrivals and Social dinner at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Defence - Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

Feed B /Feed 2 :

0830-1000 GMT/ 1130-1300 local - Various arrivals and doorsteps

1430-1500 GMT/ 1730-1800 local – Meeting of the North Atlantic Council – Foreign Ministers level -chaired by the Deputy Secretary General, at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, with Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, and the European Union’s Deputy Secretary General for Common Security and Defence Policy

Feed C/Feed 3 :

0830 -0900 GMT/ 1130-1200 local – Short remarks by the NATO Sec-Gen and the PM of Australia

0830-1000 GMT/ 1130-1300 local - Various arrivals and doorsteps

1400-1430 GMT/ 1700-1730 local – Signing ceremony - Declaration of cooperation on Airspace between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania// Public opening remarks by the NATO Deputy Secretary General

1500-1630 GMT/ 1800-1930 local – Meeting of the North Atlantic Council – Defence Ministers level - chaired by the Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, at the level of Ministers of Defence, with Sweden


Feed A/ Feed 1:

0445-0545 GMT / 0745-0845 local – Leaders’ arrivals and doorsteps

0500-0530 GMT/ 0900-0930 local – Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government, with Sweden, Indo-Pacific Partners, and the EU- Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General

0830-0930 GMT/ 1130-1230 local – Doorstep TBC

0935-1000 GMT/ 1235-1300 local - Joint press conference following the bilateral meeting by the NATO Secretary General and the President of Ukraine

1000-1030 GMT/ 1300-1330 local – Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the level of Heads of State and Government, with Sweden - Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General (w/opening remarks)

1230-1330 GMT / 1530-1630 local - Press conference with the NATO Secretary General

1330-1430 GMT/ 1630-1730 local – Turkey press conference

1330-1430 GMT/ 1630-1730 local - Departures

Feed B/ Feed 2:

0503-0615 GMT/ 0830-0915 local – Warm words with Japan

Feed C / Feed 3:

0430-0500 GMT/ 0730-0800 local – High-level women’s breakfast - with the Participation of Allied Female Foreign and Defence Ministers and other Invited Guests. Public opening remarks by the NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security – Local distribution ONLY

1205-1230 GMT/ 1505-1530 local – Signing ceremony - Operational Memorandum of Understanding of the NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence - Public opening remarks by the NATO Deputy Secretary General (no opening remarks)


Onsite facilities

+41 22 717 29 00
Onsite News Events producer: Emilie de Schaetzen
+41 79 844 16 28
Standup 1 (outdoor) IFB
+33 6 77 36 26 95
Standup 2 (indoor) IFB
+41 79 565 29 35

Programme and timings


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