In our first year we carried one transmission per week. In 1983, that number had risen he to three a day. Today, we carry more than 100,000 transmissions per year over the Eurovision Global Network, using up to 50 digital satellite channels.
Each year we deliver more than 12,000 hours of streaming services for our clients around the world. If you're a sports federation or media organization, we'll deliver top-quality live and on-demand video from to audiences in a stress-free, reliable way.
Our three main coordination centres in Geneva, Washington DC, and Singapore are equipped to manage any transmission on the Eurovision Global Network. They support each other simultaneously to ensure smooth operations and provide 24/7 service to our clients. We also have a disaster recovery site in Switzerland to take over operations in the event of an emergency.
Permanent contribution links are the securest, most cost-effective way to link points of presence, such as news bureaus or overseas offices. Our global fibre network, Eurovision FiNE, links more than 250 points of presence worldwide.
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