Eutelsat 10A to Eutelsat 10B Migration
Eutelsat 10A to be replaced with Eutelsat 10B mid-August 2023
Eutelsat's 10A, until recently one of the key satellites used by Eurovision to broadcast services over Europe, is close to the end of its operational life and has therefore entered inclined orbit.
In order to replace this satellite, Eutelsat 10B was launched on 23 November 2022.
By mid-August 2023, Eurovision will establish a permanent multiplexer called HM6 (HyperMux 6) on Eutelsat 10B transponder EVS72, transmitted in NS4 modulation. The new platform will be used to deliver major sporting events and a variety of other transmissions to Eurovision clients within the Eutelsat 10B footprint.
Eutelsat 10B covers Europe and the Middle East in Ku-Band with linear polarization. Its restricted uplink beams make it more resistant to interferences.
E10B-EVS72 has been identified as the most suitable transponder to host our HM6 hypermux, which will utilise the whole 72Mhz of bandwidth. In agreement with the satellite operator, we have merged two 36MHz transponders into a single 72Mhz transponder, aggregating all content previously spread across two transponders, reducing the number of receivers required for the takers, and giving more flexibility
- Orbital Position: 10 degree East
- Transponder: EVS72Bandwidth: 72 MHz
- Downlink center frequency: 11200.00 MHz
- Downlink polarization: Linear Horizontal
For further info, see this PDF.