We’re pleased to be coordinating this event and distributing it over the Eurovision Global Network. Make sure you're ready. Book your services now.
Audio configuration all feeds
1-2 International Stereo L-R (no commentary)
3-4 International Dolby E (no commentary)
5-6 ORF Stereo L-R (German commentary)
7-8 ORF Dolby E (Germany commentary
Ing. Robert Kurzmann
Playout & Signalmanagement | TPB-PS
T: +43 1 87878-13256
M: +43 664 8178986
robert.kurzmann@orf.at http://ORF.at
EBU territories: Amelie Rossignol (rossignol@ebu.ch)
Worldwide: Daniela Herzig, Highlight Event AG (d.herzig@highlightevent.ch)